Understanding Collectors.mapping() in Java with Examples

Lets learn with me about Collectors.mapping().

1. Introduction

Collectors.mapping() is a powerful feature introduced in Java 8 that allows transforming collected data within grouping or partitioning collectors.

2. Collectors.mapping() – What It Does?

It is used inside Collectors.groupingBy() or Collectors.partitioningBy() to apply a transformation (mapping function) before collecting results.

3. Syntax of Collectors.mapping()

static <T, U, A, R> Collector<T, ?, R> mapping(
Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper,
Collector<? super U, A, R> downstream

👉 Parameters:

  • mapper → Function to transform the input.
  • downstream → Collector to collect transformed results.

👉 Returns:
A collector that applies mapping before accumulating results.

4. Examples of Collectors.mapping()

Example 1: Group Employees by Department & Collect Only Names

Without Collectors.mapping(), we'd collect entire Employee objects.
With mapping(), we extract only names, reducing memory usage.

import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

class Employee {
String name;
String department;

Employee(String name, String department) {
this.name = name;
this.department = department;

public String getName() { return name; }
public String getDepartment() { return department; }

public class MappingExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Employee> employees = Arrays.asList(
new Employee("Alice", "HR"),
new Employee("Bob", "Engineering"),
new Employee("Charlie", "Engineering"),
new Employee("David", "HR"),
new Employee("Eve", "Finance")

// Group employees by department and collect only names
Map<String, List<String>> employeeNamesByDept = employees.stream()
Collectors.mapping(Employee::getName, Collectors.toList()) // Extract only names


🔹 Output:

{HR=[Alice, David], Engineering=[Bob, Charlie], Finance=[Eve]}

👉 Why Collectors.mapping()?
✅ Collects only employee names instead of entire Employee objects.
✅ Reduces memory overhead.

Example 2: Partition Students Based on Pass/Fail & Collect Names

import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

class Student {
String name;
int marks;

Student(String name, int marks) {
this.name = name;
this.marks = marks;

public String getName() { return name; }
public int getMarks() { return marks; }

public class MappingPartitionExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Student> students = Arrays.asList(
new Student("John", 85),
new Student("Mike", 40),
new Student("Lucy", 75),
new Student("Emma", 30)

// Partition students into pass/fail and collect only names
Map<Boolean, List<String>> passedStudents =
s -> s.getMarks() >= 50, // Pass if marks >= 50
Collectors.mapping(Student::getName, Collectors.toList()) // Extract names

System.out.println("Passed: " + passedStudents.get(true));
System.out.println("Failed: " + passedStudents.get(false));

🔹 Output:

Passed: [John, Lucy]
Failed: [Mike, Emma]

👉 Why Collectors.mapping()?
Partitions students into pass/fail while extracting only names.

5. When to Use Collectors.mapping()?

🔹 When grouping data but only need specific fields (e.g., names, IDs).
🔹 To improve memory efficiency by avoiding redundant object collection.
🔹 Inside groupingBy() and partitioningBy() to customize collected data.

Happy Learning :)



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